Author: danielroqueo

I give thanks for who I am and where I am

I give thanks for who I am and where I am

Thank you God for the path I am walking, for the guidance I receive and for all the blessings that flow into my life. I am truly grateful for who I am, where I am and where I am headed. For all of this, I give thanks I give thanks who I am and where…
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meditation is re-connecting with the nowness of this moment

Without meditation, the ego begins to take over

Meditation is a huge part of my spiritual practice and without it – the peace of God begins to slip away and the ego begins to creep back into my life. I need my daily practice For a few weeks now, there has been little room for me to meditate. My schedule has been relentless…
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In this challenge, my lesson is to learn to deepen my trust in the goodness of God and the Divine order, rather than trusting the fearful ego.

I’ve got to trust Life more than fear

Right now, since about a week back, I find myself deep in a tremendous challenge. I have been through many challenges before and so I know what they are about. I know that they are divine blessings of transformation. Stair steps toward greater levels of consciousness. However, right now it is all I can do…
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Learning how these sacred laws of spirituality work, is essential for any freelance writer as it makes it so much easier to get where we want to get.


I could not have this blog without incorporating one of the topics that mean the most to me – spirituality. Spirituality is about realizing and pursuing the Divine purpose of our existence. This means learning about that which is True and Real, the sacred laws, such as The Law of Attraction. Going beyond the ego…
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Every challenge we face is a Divine lesson, a gift of transformation

Thank you for the lesson I am being given

Every challenge that we face, ever obstacle that we encounter is nothing but a lesson and a blessing. A gift of transformation. Some are quickly learned, others take longer to learn. I am in the midst of one such recurring lesson right now. A recurring lesson Right now I am experiencing a recurring lesson. It…
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meditation is re-connecting with the nowness of this moment

I need to re-connect with the nowness of this moment

The nowness of this moment, is the most important of all moments. It is the only moment there ever is. Right now though, I have found myself slipping away from this moment, and so I need to re-connect with the nowness of this moment. I have slipped out of the moment In this moment, I…
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