Classes, Programs, and Events

Classes and Events

Daniel is offering a series of online classes and events, as well as a year-long coaching program.

All to assist you as you are moving along the Path to Freedom, waking up to who and what you are, and transforming your life.

All classes and events are held on zoom and so recordings will be available to all students and participants.

New classes begin regularly so please sign up for Daniel’s letter (the 7-day Transformational Question Challenge) to get updates.

Practicing the Presence (6 weeks) 

Practicing the presence is about finding a way to re-claim sanity in this crazy world we are living in, where many of us humans are more or less completely hijacked by the mind and the lower vibrations of fear, worry, and doubt.

Learn how to cultivate a way of life grounded and anchored in the nowness of this moment. A life that allows you to be in ever-expanding peace, joy, and harmony, even in the midst of turmoil and turbulence.

Next class starts January 2024. Please sign up for my newsletter to receive information on when and how to register.

Starts January, 2024

The Path to Freedom Coaching Program 

Over 12 months, participate in all of Daniel’s classes and events, and meet with him and other like-minded individuals in a loving, sacred, and supportive group session every week in this year-long coaching program.

Give yourself the gift of answering the call to awaken and set yourself free to soar, to forever allow for the next great and grand version of who and what you are, and to dramatically transform your life with The Path to Freedom coaching program.

Program opens up in early 2024

exploration call

Master The art of Manifestation  (6 weeks)

As we are moving along the Path to Freedom, learning the principles of the sacred laws is one of the first lessons we need to learn.

So that we may begin to allow for our lives to flow and the good that we desire to manifest with ever-increasing ease and grace.

Join Daniel on this adventure of learning the Art of Manifestation.

The Power of Affirmative Prayer (6 weeks) 

Learn to tap into the power of the Affirmative Prayer or the Six-Step Spiritual Mind Treatment as it is taught and practiced by Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith and the Agape Spiritual Center.

Developing a Healing Consciousness            (6 weeks)

Healing is not about fixing or mending something that is broken, but it is about releasing and letting go of that which obscures and obstructs Spirit from revealing itself fully and freely in, through and as us.

In other words, developing a healing consciousness is about developing a consciousness that supports and serves health and wholeness.

Thus revealing more and more of the Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Wholeness, Abundance, and Beauty that is inherent within each and every single one of us, in every single moment.

Cultivating Self Love 

As we are moving along the Path to Freedom, learning to cultivate a deep and profound sense of self-love, of being enough is one of the key lessons we need to learn.

So that we may give ourselves permission to Gglow and Shine in ever-expanding ways.

So that we may set ourselves free from the egoic sense of not being enough that causes us to hide and play small.

Master the Art of Surrendering (6 weeks)

Learn to master the art of surrendering, and really take a deep dive into trusting the goodness and benevolence of Spirit (Life).

Learn to set yourself free from fear, worry, and doubt where some future moment is concerned.

Learn to release and let go of efforting, struggling, trying to make it happen, and trying to figure out how the good you desire is to manifest.

Workshops and Events 

I frequently host online workshops and other events.

Please sign up for my newsletter to get the details and latest information.


Weekly Live Sessions 

Join Daniel for his weekly live-sessions on the Aura Health App

Aura Health
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