1-1 Transformational Coaching

Spiritual or Transformational Coaching

If you want to go really deep in your awakening and transforming your life, 1-1 Transformational Coaching may be just what you need.

A transformational coaching session, is safe and loving space where you get to become aware of and then release and let go of the stories, beliefs and perceptions that give rise to suffering and limitation.

I will lovingly hold you fully, knowing that you are, always have been, and always will be a unique, perfect, whole, and complete expression of Spirit and that everything you need to grow, unfold, and expand is inherently within you.

I will hold this space for you until you can hold it for yourself.

This is how and when healing and transformation happen.


Connect With Me

I work with only a small number of mindfully selected clients at a time, and so if you want to work with me, please send me a message, and we will take it from there.

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