Powerful Audio Courses

How To Master The Art of Manifestation 2.0 

My latest audio course, How To Master The Art of Manifestation 2.0, is now available on The Path to Freedom App.

Embark on this journey with me, where we cultivate a way of life that effortlessly allows for all the good we desire and more to flow into our experience with ease and grace.

Dive deep into over 80 sessions and 20+ hours of powerful and practical tools and practices that allow us to transform our lives and move into beautiful alignment with the Sacred Laws that govern our universe.

Ultimately, that we may set ourselves free to transform our lives and allow ever-expanding peace, love, joy, harmony, and abundance to flow into them.

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The How o Master The Art Of Manifestation 

Take a deep dive into Learning to Master the Art of Manifestation with this powerful audio course.

The course is made up of 30 audio sessions that covers, explores and explains all the essential elements neccessary for you to learn to allow for the good you wish to experience and beyond to flow into your live with ever-expanding ease and grace.

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Practicing the Presence Audio Course 

Embark upon an adventure where you will learn to re-claim your mind, your sanity and your life.

As so much is happening in the world today, as fear, worry, doubt, stress and anxiety have become such a normal part of so many individuals lives, finding a way to remain sane in the midst of all of this insanity has become paramount.

The Practicing The Presence Audio Course will provide you with all the tools you need to not only find sanity, but to sustain that sanity with ever-increasing ease and grace.

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Pray like a Pro Audio Course

This course will teach you the way of the Six-Step Affirmative prayer taught and practiced by Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith and the Agape Spiritual Center.

The Six-Step Affirmative Prayer, or the Six-Step Spiritual Mind Treatment as it is also called, is a spiritual technology of treating the mind to come into the knowing that even in the midst o whatever is going on, All Is Well.

And as we raise our vibration to that level, as consciousness always precedes form, our external conditions and circumstances will begin to shift and change to match where and what we are in consciousness.

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Audio Courses Unlimited

Enjoy unlimited access to all of Daniel’s audio courses

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Choosing A Beautiful Life

we all have a Divine mandate to live a Beautiful Life. No one is refused it, nor is anyone just given it – but we need to choose it. 

We each need to make ourselves conscious participants in the designing and unfolding of it. 

How to choose and participate in our own Beautiful Life is what this audio course will be about.

In the making
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