


Here is what people are saying about Daniel’s content, classes, courses and coaching.

I was being hard on myself for low motivation today. When you said, “ What was I talking about?”, you made me silly grin and I feel a safe space around your positivity glowing personality! You’re the kind of people I I wish I could have around me. 


Daniel is a gifted emanation of God. Without even realizing it he immediately places you on a road to love, awareness , and healing. I’m filled with gratitude to be a student of this beautiful soul!


Daniel, You are such a good reminder to be to find the joy and happiness in my life and celebrate. You have been a bright and shining light for me to strive for and I have such gratitude for you. Many blessings to you


Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your guidance, positivity, laughter, and gentle style. I feel high on love and gratitude after that… SO good. Many blessings and Namaste Daniel


I’ve always connected to the higher self through Daniel! You’re such a powerful channel… Bless you… & thank you so much! This was so peaceful & so powerful. 


As always Daniel, you never let me down… Beautiful! I love how real you are, and you certainly make me smile with your laughter


Unbelievably good! Thank you, thank you!!


Amen! Hallelujah! Thank you Daniel


Lovely, simply lovely. Thank you for your service 


Daniel i’am so greatful to have found you. You lift my life up on a special way. Your woords will be my thoughts and this is a really pleasure. Health and wholesness will be my own monument. Thank you for beeing here. I bless bless your day, i bless bless your way


I am at peace. Peace that passes all understanding. Thank you for your devotion and encouragement. All the lame stories of victim hood all fall away, as I’m reminded of pure loving peace.


Thank you SO much. I’m grateful for your style, voice, and positivity. I also love to smile and appreciate the reminders, and your laughter is infectious. Many blessings and Namaste. 


Very peaceful, felt like I was floating after. A rememberance of our authentic power.


Thank you for the love healing and compassion that comes thru you. God bless you.


Unbelievably good. I felt the divine energy. The presence in my essence. All of me healing with your words and prayers. Much love and thank you.


Absolutely wonderful! Thank you Daniel! Just what I needed tonite, perfect timing. I appreciate you!


I have learned SO much from this beautiful man. Thank you.


Daniel, Bless, Bless, Bless You…


Sublime I just love your authentic self


I’m in tears. Exactly what I needed during this funk. tysm Daniel, may you be peaceful and happy


You bring me to tears… thank you


Thank you for your amazing healing energy, Daniel. All is well


Everyone needs this!!!  Thank you for helping me remember & feel the peace that is always there.


Amen. So powerful. Thank you thank you thank you. God bless


Love the insights and the metaphor about the apple tree! Thank you.


I am so grateful for finding you. I love your teachings. Slowly shifting my life from always seeing lack and so grateful I have the chance to change that. And boy does it feel amazing.


Your talks and meditations bless me with at least one major insight, every single time Thank you so much for your sacred work.


Daniel is amazing. A special soul. His joy and love is radiant. You truly feel his love and care. I am so grateful for his giving of himself to the one truth.. God is good and loving and always present. And when you connect with that… all IS truly well for when you have God you have EVERYTHING…So grateful . Much love and many blessings


I heard Daniel for the first time just now and I am totally and completely in love with him and his heart. This was the best intentional 10 minutes I’ve spent in a long time. I’m so grateful to have found you, Daniel.


May the peace of God, which transcend all understanging, guard your mind and your heart in Chris Jesus, amen and amen. May you continue to shine God’s light and love today and all the days of yor life. Bless you my amazing brother! 


Thank you Daniel, life is so much better with you in it


Your guided meditations and talks are always very insightful and have had a huge impact in my day to day thoughts. Thank you


I am so grateful to have found your wonderful teachings! Thank you


This is purely divine and fully satisfying. It meets you in every space of your being


You’ve helped me more than you will ever know and more than I can ever express. Thank you


That was beyond transformational, Daniel! Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us. Namaste!


Mahalo nui loa for this beautiful prayer. It has helped me tremendously as I work through a difficult time.


Daniel is so inspiring! Listening to his work definitely helps keep my vibration up.


Man your stuff is changing my life. Thank you thank-you thank you


I feel a deeper understanding of who I am and what I am capable of in my life. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. You have a way with simplifying complex topics and making them easier to understand.


I’m so thankful I have found you! I feel reassured that I know god is guiding me to break the cycle of generational trauma to create a new life for myself thank you, thank you, thank you


Thank you, thank you! I receive such blessings from your work, from your insights. Many blessings!


Tears as I felt this so deeply. Thank you for shining Your light


This inner journey fills me with peace. Thank you!


Thank you for your awesomeness! Namaste


Your voice is a miracle!! Thank you for your beautiful healing


Thank you for sharing your gift, your light in service of evoking the light in me


Thank you for taking me on this journey to do this inner work. It is indeed a privilege and blessing


As always Daniel is inspiring. This particular talk was just what I needed to hear in this moment. Not only are the words inspiring but Daniel’s genuine essence and compassion come through his talks.


An amazing journey, beyond expectations. I thought I was about to learn how to master the forces outside of me; and I went through a beautiful learning curve inside of me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I had heard some of this before, but Daniel’s deep explanation made it an AHA! Seeing it a little differently and making it possible to lift a little higher out of negative thinking! Thank You and Bless You! Namaste!


This course was amazing. Not only will I be re-doing the course immediately, but I will be on the look out for other courses that Daniel is teaching. Daniel, with the gratitude of the universe, I thank thank thank you!


I truly enjoy you and resonate with you. So glad I found you. There is so little time in a busy day so I’ve incorporated listening to you during my work and it works haha keep doing what you’re doing. It’s reaching people. With authentic love- amen


Thank you for truth that resonates with my life and understanding of God. To know that God, Spirit, the Universe whatever we want to call Him. Loves us and wants us to win and succeed and is there to guide and love us every step of the way. Peace and Blessings to you for sharing the beauty, love and light of Spirit.


I’m a huge fan. You have transformed my spirit over a very short period of time. Thank you


Greetings Daniel thank you so much for this course. You’ve restored my energy and action towards the power of prayer and believing.


Absolutely beautiful. This meditation brought so much peace, love and joy to me. Thank You


This meditation was transformative and deeply healing for me. I’m immensely grateful to you. Thank you, and bless you


What a joyful prayer. You are a beautiful soul, I can’t quite express how I feel after this….whole, loved. Beautiful, thank you. 🙏


Thank you Daniel for your words. You don’t know how much you touched me today. Thank you from my heart


Beautiful Prayer. The joy pierces through. These words were making my body tremble with truth. Thank you


You are my hero Daniel. I can’t thank you enough for inspiring and leading me through some very dark times.


Daniel is amazing! Ma God bless you Daniel! Thank you for sharing your gifts, talents and guidance with me.


Thank-you thank-you thank-you thank-you thank-you! Thank-you for being such a beautiful, insightful, inspiring, warm guide for those of us on this journey. I am loving your app so much as well.
So thankful to Spirit for leading me to you. You help enormously. You help my spirit (and face!) to smile everyday and embrace my path.
I bless bless bless your day and I bless bless bless your way! Namaste


Repeat. Repeat. And yet again , Reoeat. Because nothing changes if nothing changes. And this student of life, craves change. Something in the , the gut tells me this course, from this teacher, will bring me forward (with a few steps back at times bc after all, this is the story of life ) and help me, help myself, align with the higher good so that I can , and will, start to take action and change. Thank you for an incredibly profound, simply yet elegantly laid out lecture. What a gift you have shared with us Brother Daniel. I’m actually very excited …


I have worked with Daniel closely for an extended period of time and continue to do so. Daniel is a gentle, humane, nonjudgemental spirit with excellent intuitive skills. He has provided me with tangible exercises which have helped me move forward on my journey. I have gained many valuable insights about the path I am on. I believe his genuine and authentic care has made a huge difference in my healing. Daniel is a gift to our universe.

Pamela M

This was so empowering and exactly what I needed in my life. The fact that I was drawn to this course and it was so inspiring and life changing for me is a perfect example of the power of manifestation that I learned in this course. Thank you a thousand times and I look forward to continuing with the course many times over.


I heard Daniel for the first time just now and I am totally and completely in love with him and his heart. This was the best intentional 10 minutes I’ve spent in a long time. I’m so grateful to have found you, Daniel.


I am so blessed to be a part of this course. I am on Day 1 and I got chills multiple times whilst listening to you, and I cried when you prayed. I am deeply grateful for you and what you’ve brought to my life, and I am grateful that you are my teacher.


Fabulous! Very informative, specific, useful information. You are a delight. Thank you ever so much Daniel.


That was the very best healing meditation I have EVER experienced! I am beyond grateful. 


You’ve helped me more than you will ever know and more than I can ever express. Thank you


Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your guidance, positivity, laughter, and gentle style. I feel high on love and gratitude… SO good. Many blessings and Namaste Daniel


Gosh. You are such a gift! I can always count on you to be the rock I lean on. Thank you for these words, I needed them more than I knew today


Daniel has an incredible gift and those who follow him are truly blessed to be able to follow him and that which he teaches.


you have helped me so much. and your words make me smile. grateful for your work, we love u


Thank you Daniel. I’m so fortunate to have found you. You have a great way of communicating your insight. You are one of my top teachers and I recommend listening to anything you publish.


Unbelievably good. I feel the divine energy. The presence in my essence. All of me healing with your words and prayers. Much love and thank you.


Wow. What an incredible teacher and guide! This is just what I needed . Thank you!


The messages you share affect me in a way beyond what I can put into words. Thank you and namaste


Love this! This is awesome – thank you so much for your inspiring words – best message ever


Your prayers never fail to move me to tears. I felt a strong sense of becoming with this one. Thank you for the work you do


Unbelievably powerful and inspiring! Thank you SO much!


I love you content. Thanks you for your dedication and sharing Wisdom


Thank you, Daniel! Your authenticity and vulnerability are so refreshing, sharing the ups and downs of your own path to self-love, it’s not only brave, but super relatable!


I’ve been listening to and basking in you’re wise and loving words every day, up to 5-6 times each day actually and dude all I can say is your doing God’s work


I also just discovered the Walks And talks. Such joy to listen to on my walks, and when I can, I enjoy the video. It is so nice to see you in form and your beautiful surroundings.


Thank you, Daniel. The more I listen to you, the more I smile, and now the reminder to be gentle with myself.


Thank you, Daniel, for a beautiful explanation of how to lift ourselves up out of the Victim mentality, and instead, adhere to the Successful mentality! I particularly enjoyed how you likened it to getting into a cab and instead of telling the driver where you want to go, you tell them where you don’t want to go. It’s beautiful!


Thank you for your authenticity and vulnerability. Your impact is so great on my life and hearing you share similar obstacles is always validating and comforting. Thank you for being you!


Daniel, you are a great spiritual teacher. The flow was smooth, your pacing was perfect, energy was invigorating, and I very much look forward to your practice each day. Thank you!


O..M..G…………I……LOVE…….YOU. Thank you!!!!


Discovering you has been life changing for me. Thank you beautiful soul


Thank you for so much spiritual guidance. It is always a beautiful journey with you! Namaste, peace be with you Daniel


You really had a great impact on my attitude and day. I really like your outlook on how we can make things more enjoyable by tweaking what we do and make it more fun.


Your spirit is amazing shines through the screen glad I found you. thank you! Love and light


Thank you so much Daniel. I love the metamorphosis metafor and its one that I keep coming back to. It was really comforting words in the middle of a very long period of dark nights of the soul and I felt a spark of hope ignited. Thank you


I keep returning to this morning meditation. It is exactly the vibrational energy and soft peaceful welcoming I need each morning to bring the new day in and know that I am loved, I am enough, the universe has me, and everything else just seems to fade away. Thank you friend, for your words and love and guidance.


Daniel, thank you so for this transformational course that you’ve beautifully created! What an incredible journey this has been towards self-actualization. Your authenticity and dedication to help us achieve our Highest Destiny was real throughout the past 29 days! I will certainly do this course again. Thanks a lot and Namaste!


I listened to your beautiful words and sweet voice and kept smiling and felt much gratitude and raised my vibration and my body was buzzing, and I thought about all my cells as cherished inhabitants of a planet shaped as my body with me as the life force sending them love and support. Thank you


Amazing course! Very well organized and presented with love and passion. The questions at the end of each session have helped me learn a lot about myself. Thank you much, Daniel, for the hard work in putting this course together. I have started using the tools you have offered and hope to continue doing regular practice and would refer to this course again and again!


One of the best courses on manifestation. Great journey and so much to learn! I will absolutely go through it again and again and again. Changing a mindset doesn’t happen overnight, and all tools presented in the course must be deeply integrated in a daily life, which also requires work. But if intention is there, the rest will follow. Thank you for this great course!


I learned a lot about the laws of manifestation. Much of what I learned I intend to implement in my life, one principle at a time, using repetition to help to live the principle. This course just feels good. The words, the music, the energy is welcoming and comforting. Love, love, love this course! Thank you, Daniel!


This was so moving and powerful. Abundance is already in the here and now. No reason to keep stressing about and waiting for it to manifest. It is here.


Of all the law of attraction courses I’ve experienced in the past 15 years, this one is by far one of my top 3! Everything from your voice to the music to how you explain the concepts resonated really well. Since my spiritual journey really started 15 years ago, from when the documentary The Secret was released and when I also discovered Pranic healing, I have seen soooooo many signs and evidences of spirit guiding me in overcoming obstacles along my way. Although they’ve remained in my memory, I often do forget them. So your recommendation on keeping a manifestation journal is a fantastic idea! Also the inner villain who keeps pestering my mind with negative comments and self-sabotage is no longer going to hold me back thanks to the exercise you suggested on how to become more aware of it. Creating my own affirmations from this exercise is something I will continue to do, and recording it to listen to it everyday in my car or when I’m working out or sleeping will definitely have a bigger impact than listening to generic ones. Thank you for such a wonderful course Daniel and for all that you do! Bless you


Dear Daniel thank you for all of the sessions we have had. I am sure that today was not our last – I will continue to put onto practice all that you have taught me . I was about to say that I found you by chance but no that is definitely not true as nothing happenea by chance – I was guided to you . With the recent death of my husband, my levels of fear and anxiety and dread were sky nigh in august when we started our journey together. I now know and feel that all is well and all will be well. I know how to bring myself back to the now when fear of the future pushes it’s way back into my consciousness.Spirit is with me always but sometimes my ego gets in the way and fear pops up again but I no longer need to go through life making dramas out of life – I can be calm and peaceful and continue to trust that all is well and all will be well. Thank you Daniel for opening my eyes to just how wonderful life is – even the sad parts. I have so very much to be grateful for . Thank you for your love and calmness, patience and guidance  I highly recommend you as a transformational coach.
With love and gratitude.

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